Monday, November 26, 2012

"Am I Making Too Many Kids?"

Okay, So last time out I began revealing some of my neurosis on having a boy and the fear and concerns I have in my own abilities to turn that boy into a “man” or a redneck ( if you read the last post, you’ll know what I mean).  We've been down that road, and I’m sure we’ll go back down it again, but let’s get to what’s crossing my frontal lobe today.

Let’s talk about overpopulating

“Overpopulated” by Cobra Skulls     Overpopluated By Cobra Skulls 
well we've all got the right
Guaranteed by a state
And even a god
Demands that it's my job
Just to procreate
For everyone to feed
Something's gotta bleed
Now are you gonna take
Until there's nothing to do but leave?
So do you have to
Keep on populating
Who's going to refuse the right?
We've got to be equal
But too many people
Are making it harder to survive

I love this band, and I love this song. But with two girls in my house, and a baby boy on the way, it’s obvious that I missed the message, right?

That’s what I said.

Well, I do worry that I’m adding to the human populace that is going add to, and live through, the worsening of Al Gore’s Global Warming, not to mention witness who knows what from technology (time machines, teleporters, and robot anarchists is my guess). Then of course, we have the ever growing threat of financial collapse, and the massive debt we owe to China (who will probably take control of the earth behind the power of the first race of robots). Don’t forget that there’s supposed to be another “monster flu” epidemic at some point, and who knows what Al-Qaeda has up their sleeves, and all those monster storms (due to AG’s GW). I guess you could make an argument that I’m an asshole for bringing more life into this scary future before us. I don’t know. While I’m nervous about tomorrow, I still wouldn't change the path I’m on.

The world is filled to the brim with human beings, so why do I keep making more!

It’s fairly simple- I love my wife, and we make cool kids. I know, I know, I've got some bias going on here, but take my word for it, despite all of my quirks; these kids are turning out pretty rad. Besides being ultra-mega cute, and being the best reciprocators for love (something that we all long for and need), my two little ladies do the greatest thing humans can do- They sing and they dance. I mean, how fucking cool is that? I’m telling you, you cannot witness their plethora of dance moves that accompany any number of tunes- from your ABC’s to Kasey Chambers to their own made up songs about sleeping kitties and magic rainbows. They make me smile, genuinely smile, at least a handful of times, every single day. You can’t beat that.  

So, yeah, I am helping to overpopulate the earth with humans, but I can’t help it- they’re just too damn amazing.
Sorry, Cobra Skulls. You guys are still the best, and I’ll still crank your records, but I gotta have my monkeys.
Check out the  Cobra Skulls (punk rock)


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