Monday, December 3, 2012

Hair and Sports Cars

So I was on a Time Warner strike for the last year. They over charge for a service that forces way too many terrible and completely useless channels upon you, and I wasn't going to let them screw me over any longer. The problem is, where I live, I’m not allowed to have any kind of satellite TV. This is a big problem, especially since its football season. My friends and I have gathered at my house (for the most part) for as long as I can remember for football Sundays. Well, my Time Warner strike was interfering with this and thus, ruining the football Sundays. I tried using my laptop to stream games, but it was too ridiculous trying to enjoy a game with friends hovering over a computer. Anyways, under pressure from my best friend and my wife, I finally caved in and sold my soul back to the devil of digital cable providers. Where am I going with this? I’ll tell you.

My best friend, let’s call him Ollie, heard from one of our other friends that was over yesterday watching the games, that I had a blog. Ollie just about flips his lid, “You have a blog?” “What’s it about” I told him, “It’s about hair and sports cars.” I won’t tell you his response to that, but he kept asking what is was about. There were jokes about being a teenage girl, which I do actually share a lot of likes and emotional similarities with, but I don't have a leg to stand on in that conversation. I found it hilarious that he wanted to know so badly. My friend that brought it up told him, “He wrote that I was a failure, and he writes things about you, too.” Which, of course, made Ollie more curious (not that he believed our friend, but the fact that neither of us were telling him what it was I was writing on the interweb).  I finally told him, and that was that, but it took me a few minutes to realize that my best friend felt that I had intentionally left him out of a part of my little world, and it really got to him. Now, I didn't intentionally leave Ollie out of this loop, he’s just not on Facebook and I didn't think to send him a link. I didn't think my little step into the blogging world would was big enough news, or of any uber-importance.  What I did learn was that my best friend (who is the consummate tough guy) actually felt left out, which means that he was a little hurt, which means I mean a lot to him. In my crazy busy world, it’s very easy to neglect relationships and take the people outside of my household family for granted. I don’t mean to, it just happens. So, it meant a lot to me to see that Ollie cared so much. We don’t often take enough time to let those that matter the most to us know how much they mean, or how much we appreciate them. I want to tell my friend Ollie that I love him, and I’m glad he’s best friend. He’s been a great Uncle to my girls- who love him right back- and a great buffer for my wife, offering her some actual intellectually stimulating conversations in contrast to my 75-90 percent babble of nonsense.

So while I may have sold my soul back to the worst cable company around, we do have football Sundays back, and I think that’s a good thing for all of those involved. 
